Thursday, November 10, 2016

CEDAR COUNTY, IA (IRN) – A 26-year-old man stuck in a combine head was flown to the University of Iowa Hospitals this morning with injuries. KCRG-TV reports the accident happened near Mechanicsville.

DAVENPORT, IA (IRN) – A pedestrian was hit by a vehicle in Davenport yesterday morning, according to WQAD-TV. The pedestrian was seriously injured, and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of life-threatening injuries.

MT UNION, IA (IRN) – For those who think their vote doesn’t matter, the people of Mt. Union beg to differ. KCII-Radio reports when the votes were tabulated Tuesday night for the general election, the measure to unincorporate the city sat at a 31-31 tie. One outstanding absentee ballot was opened by the auditor this morning and pushed the vote total to 32-31 in favor of unincorporation.

DAKOTA CITY, NE (IRN) – A former city clerk in northwest Iowa has been sentenced in a Nebraska court to probation for trying to set up a sexual encounter with someone he thought was a teenage boy. The Sioux City Journal reports 61-year-old Douglas Furlich of Lawton posted an ad online which said he was “looking for a younger guy.” An undercover officer responded, pretending to be a 15-year-old boy. Furlich went to meet what he thought was the boy in Nebraska, where he was arrested.

IOWA CITY, IA (IRN) – The University of Iowa is investigating a racist message someone wrote on a student’s door in a residence hall. KCRG-TV reports the university denounced the “hate speech” in a statement. Last month, someone put up racist posters at the university’s Afro-American, Latino, Native American, and LGBTQ resource centers.

BOONE, IA (IRN) – For the past month, people around the Boone Airport may have noticed a strange-looking aircraft. WHO-TV reports the Iowa National Guard has a new drone. The RQ-7B Shadow Aircraft is 11 feet long, uses regular aviation fuel, and can be in the air for approximately six hours. The drone is used primarily to scout enemy troops.

WAUKEE, IA (IRN) – Nearly 700 6th and 7th graders from Waukee schools paid special tribute to the city’s police and firefighters Wednesday. KCCI-TV reports students played the National Anthem, gave speeches and held a moment of silence for Des Moines Police Sergeant Tony Beminio and Urbandale Police Officer Justin Martin. The pair were killed by a gunman one week ago yesterday.